AvaAva is a planet covered in fresh water streams and rivers. It has a few reletively small salt water oceans. Ava is covered in mountains and peaks, cliffs and valleys. There are practically no plains, plateaus or flat lands of any kind, and most of planet is green with vegetation except for its polar icecaps. Most of the animal life on ava is suited to flying, climbing and/or swimming. The anthrosuar technology on Ava is comparable to the dark ages, as they have advanced mason and steel technology. The Orcs on Ava are viscious savages who haunt the north polar region. They don't hesitate to kidnap in thier swimming raids in the northern coastal regions. Kidnapped victims are usually eaten or frozen and then later eaten. These Orcs prefer to live in ice caves. The Rocs of Ava live on the edge of the wooded areas, scouring the planes and desert for food, particularly dominating in Ava's sparse clearings and marshes. These Rocs live in trees and sustain almost no architecture. The Trolls of Ava control the water ways. These Trolls often use machinery to harnest the kenetic energy of flowing water to perform a wide variety of labor. The Trolls build most of the bridges on Ava, and often charging tolls and otherwise harrasing travelers. Allthough these Trolls have swamp-based agriculture, they are mostly employed in building and maintaining useful structures, and capitalizing off of those structures. The Vampires of Ava dominate in it's many ravines, cliffs, and canyons. Conflicts with these Vampires and the local Rocs over hunting territory are common. In fact - like the Orcs - the Vampires are very unpopular with the other anthrosuar races. The Cockatrice live in small tribal groups throughout the wooded areas of Ava. Their dwellings are built in the trees, high above the forrest floor (at least several meters up.) These Cockatrice avoid water and are usually poor swimmers. Prefering to pack light loads, they use metal sparingly, although thier skill with metal working is quite advanced. They are also skilled in the use of local plantlife for a variety of purposes ranging from medicine to textiles to construction to the use of paralysis poisons which is thier signature technique in combat. They are proud of their bright colors, utilizing the colorful feathers and hides of other animals when convenient. The Elves of Ava are feared by the other anthrosaur races. Living in nomadic hunting tribes, they are usually victorious in their occasional skirmishes with Vampires and Orcs. One tribe of Elves has forged a bloody trail to a location in the northern polar region, costing the lives of many Orcs. At this arctic location they have developed a massive permanent location that is considered to be the only safe haven from the Orcs in the artic region. Copyright © 1997 - 2000 Seth Galbraith and Benjamin Galbraith |