
Size: 1½
Mass: 90 kg (200 lbs)
Length: 2.5 m (8 feet)
Reach:  1.0 m (40 inches)
Stride: 1.0 m (40 inches)
Strength: 2
Regeneration: 1
Climbing: 3
Primary Limbs: 1
Secondary Limbs: 1
Other Limbs: 4
Natural Armor
Absorption: 0
Cover: 0
Natural Weapons
Reach: 1.0 m (40 inches)
Heft: 0
Sharpness: -1
PPV: 38

Cockatrice are forest dwellers who build their homes among the branches like the nests of birds. They also resemble birds in having toothless beaks and feathers covering much of their body. However, unlike birds, they have four-fingered tool-using hands and long heavy counter-balancing tails.

Although they have an unusual combination of avian, primitive, and specialized anthrosaur features, the most distinguishing Cockatrice feature might be the long mane of feathers that starts on the head and extends back to the base of the long neck. The neck is gently curved instead of strongly S-shaped as in birds. Male Cockatrices have profound beards protruding from just under their lower beaks.

The Cockatrice voice is somewhat deep and unvaried. To other anthrosaurs, normal Cockatrice languages would sound like arrays of low pitched chirps, squawks, and screeches.

Cockatrice have tough but sharp claws on their hands and three-toed feet which are very useful for climbing. These are sharp enough to use for clawing and ripping attacks in combat, but many simple hand weapons are more effective.


Copyright © 1997 - 2003 Seth Galbraith and Benjamin Galbraith