
Size: -3
Mass: 20 kg (44 lbs)
Length: 1.00 m (40 inches)
Reach:  1.30 m (40 inches)
Stride: 0.65 m (25 inches)
Strength: 3
Regeneration: 1
Acrobatics: 2
Detection: 2
Flight: 3
Primary Limbs: 1
Secondary Limbs: 1
Other Limbs: 4
Natural Armor
Absorption: 0
Cover: 0
Natural Weapons
Reach: 1.3 m (48 inches)
Sharpness: -2
PPV: 68

Vampires are long-tailed and leathery-winged Anthrosaurs. They are nocturnal and have very good nightvision. Vampires have a simple digestive system and live off of the blood of other dinosaurs. This makes them very unpopular, so they tend to hide out by day in caves and other dark places.

Male Vampires have large, visible eye brow ridges, and the female's fangs stick out farther when their mouths are closed. The creepy sound of Vampire language is composed mostly of quiet cooing and murmurs, with some occasional hooting, screeching and howling. The Vampire languages reflect their lifestyle, and is full of night, shadows, darkness, hunting and blood.


Copyright © 1997 - 2003 Seth Galbraith and Benjamin Galbraith